Privacy policy for Facebook

Hello there!

If you came here, it is a sure sign that you value your privacy. I understand it perfectly and that’s why I am giving you a document in which in one place you will find the rules for the processing of personal data in connection with the functioning of the Magdalena Olechny Art fanpage.

In the beginning, a formal information – the administrator of the fanpage is Magdalena Olechny, VAT EU: PL5472220616; e-mail address:

This privacy policy is structured in the form of questions and answers. The choice of this form was dictated by the care for transparency and legibility of the information presented to you. Below you will find the table of contents of this policy corresponding to the questions I answer here.

1. Who is the administrator of your personal data?
2. Who can you contact regarding the processing of your personal data?
3. What information do I have about you?
4. Where do I get your personal data from?
5. Is your data safe?
6. For what purposes do I process your personal data?

  • Fanpage support — details
  • Message handling — details
  • Marketing — details

7. How long will I keep your personal data?
8. Who are the recipients of your personal data?
9. Do I transfer your data to third countries or international organizations?
10. Do I keep statistics related to running a fanpage?
11. Do I use advertising on Facebook?
12. What rights do you have in relation to the processing of your personal data?
13. Do I use cookies?

In case of any doubts related to the privacy policy, you can contact me at any time by sending a message to the following address:

1. Who is the administrator of your personal data?

In accordance with the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the creator of the Facebook fanpage is a joint controller of personal data together with Facebook. Therefore, the administrator of your personal data is Magdalena Olechny, VAT EU: PL5472220616; e-mail address: Details on the processing of personal data by Facebook can be found here.

2. Who can you contact regarding the processing of your personal data?

As part of the implementation of personal data protection in my organization, I have decided not to appoint a personal data protection officer due to the fact that in my situation it is not mandatory. In matters related to the protection of personal data and broadly understood privacy, you can contact any co-administrator of personal data. You can write to me at the e-mail address or contact the Facebook administrator directly.

3. What information do I have about you?

Depending on the purpose, I may process the following information about you:
• first name and last name,
• image (profile photo and other photos visible to every user),
• data provided as part of the contact form,
• data provided as part of a conversation on Messenger,
• all other information publicly available on your Facebook profile.
What information about you I have access to depends largely on your own activity on Facebook and the privacy settings on this website. I am able to access all the information you have made public about you on your profile.

4. Where do I get your personal data from?

In most cases, you pass them on to me yourself. This happens when:
• you follow my fanpage,
• you add comments, interact with my content,
• you contact me via Messenger,
• you provide data as part of contact advertising (Facebook Leads Ads).

5. Is your data safe?

Of course, Facebook plays a key role in securing personal data that appear on Facebook, and I, as fanpage administrator, can only take limited actions. In order to learn about the measures taken by Facebook to protect personal data, I recommend reading this article.

As for me, I also take steps to ensure the security of your personal data. I have analyzed the risks associated with individual data processing processes, and then I have implemented appropriate security and personal data protection measures. I monitor the condition of my technical infrastructure on an ongoing basis, observe the procedures applied, and introduce necessary improvements. If you have any questions regarding your personal data, I am at your disposal at:

6. For what purposes do I process your personal data?

There are more than one of these purposes. Below is a list of them, followed by a more detailed discussion. I have also assigned the appropriate legal grounds for processing to the particular purposes.
• fan page support — Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR,
• messaging — Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR,
• marketing — Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR.

Fanpage support — details

By following my fanpage on Facebook, you automatically find yourself on the list of followers that I have access to. By adding a comment to my content or in any other way interacting with the content I publish, you also leave a trace on my profile that includes your personal data.
The basis for the processing of personal data in this case is Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR, i.e. my legitimate interest in operating the fan page.
Remember that you can edit or delete your comments and reactions that you left on my fanpage at any time. If you don’t, they will remain visible for as long as they are available on Facebook. In addition, you can stop observing my profile at any time – in this situation, you will disappear from the list of observers of my fanpage.

Message handling — details

By contacting me via Messenger, you naturally provide me with your personal data contained in the correspondence, in particular your image and name and surname.
In this case, your data is processed in order to contact you, and the basis for processing is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR, i.e. my legitimate interest.
Messages sent to me are automatically archived by Facebook tools and are available to me until you delete them. You can view all messages exchanged with me in the Messenger app.

Marketing — details

I use the Facebook Leads Ads system, which may involve the processing of your personal data, if the advertisement created byme assumes the option of providing me with certain personal data. The scope of collected data and the purpose of their processing results from the content and functions of a given advertisement.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data in this case is Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR, i.e. your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

7. How long will I keep your personal data?

Basically, I have no influence on the storage period of your personal data. They are available on Facebook under the terms of Facebook’s regulations and privacy policy. I am unable to delete your Facebook data – only you can do it.
As for the data obtained as part of Facebook Leads Ads, they will be stored by me until the purpose of their processing is achieved. This time each time results from the function and purpose of the advertisement, which is reflected in the content of the advertisement.
The history of your Messenger conversation will be available in the Messenger history at all times. I have no influence on it – Facebook decides about it.

8. Who are the recipients of your personal data?

I will risk saying that modern business cannot do without services provided by third parties. I also use such services. Some of these services are related to the processing of your personal data. External service providers who are involved in the processing of your personal data are:

• a law firm that obtains access to data if it is necessary to provide legal assistance to me,

• an entity providing maintenance services that gains access to data, if the technical works carried out relate to areas where personal data are located,

• other subcontractors who gain access to data, if the scope of their activities requires such access.

In addition, if necessary, your personal data may be made available to entities, authorities or institutions authorized to obtain access to data on the basis of legal provisions, such as the police, security services, courts, prosecutor’s offices.

9. Do I transfer your data to third countries or international organizations?

I have no influence on how Facebook handles your personal data, but it guarantees an adequate level of protection of personal data through the use of a compliance mechanism in the form of standard contractual clauses.

10. Do I keep statistics related to running a fanpage?

As part of the tools available to the fanpage administrator, I have access to statistical information provided by Facebook about user behavior. I analyze this information in order to optimize my fanpage in terms of user experience and the effectiveness of activities. The information available to me is anonymised and processed in the way that it is not personal data.

11. Do I use advertising on Facebook?

I do not use Facebook Ads advertising system as a part of my Facebook fanpage.

12. What rights do you have in relation to the processing of your personal data?

GDPR grants you the following potential rights related to the processing of your personal data:

• the right to access your data and receive a copy of it,

• the right to rectify (correct) your data,

• the right to delete data (if in your opinion there are no grounds for me to process your data, you can request that I delete it),

• the right to limit data processing (you can request that I limit the processing of data only to their storage or performance of activities agreed with you, if, in your opinion, I have incorrect data or I process it unreasonably),

• the right to object to the processing of data (you have the right to object to the processing of data on the basis of a legitimate interest; you should indicate a special situation that, in your opinion, justifies the termination of the processing covered by the objection; I will stop processing your data for these purposes, unless I prove, that the grounds for data processing by me override your rights or that your data is necessary for me to establish, assert or defend claims),

• the right to transfer data (you have the right to receive from me, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format, personal data that you provided to me on the basis of a contract or your consent; you can commission me to send this data directly to another entity),

• the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, if you previously gave such consent,

• the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (if you find that I am processing data unlawfully, you can file a complaint with the the President of the Personal Data Protection Office or another competent supervisory authority).

The rules related to the implementation of the above-mentioned rights are described in detail in Art. 16 – 21 GDPR. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with these regulations. For my part, I consider it necessary to explain to you that the above-mentioned rights are not absolute and will not appertain to you in every case of processing of your personal data.

I emphasize that you always have one of the rights indicated above – if you believe that I have violated the provisions on the protection of personal data while processing your personal data, you have the option to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body (the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).

GDPR gives you the opportunity to exercise your rights towards each of the joint controllers. As indicated in this privacy policy, I do not have a wide range of personal data and I have limited possibilities to process them. If you would like to exercise one of your rights provided by the GDPR, I encourage you to contact Facebook directly, who will be able to help you. For my part, I will be able to handle requests for data collection via Facebook Leads Ads.

If you would like to contact me directly, please write to However, I have made every effort to ensure that the information you are interested in is comprehensively presented in this privacy policy. You can also use the e-mail address provided above if you have any questions related to the processing of your personal data.

13. Do I use cookies?

My fanpage is embedded in Facebook, therefore all used cookies come from Facebook. I encourage you to read the details on the website. I emphasize that I have no influence on operations based on cookies.

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